Match Official Allocations
This guide has been prepared by the Caledonia Rugby Referees Allocation Team. The essential purpose is to provide an easy-to-use reference document to assist all interested parties understand the processes, procedures, and individual responsibilities for the allocation of match officials.
Allocations Team 2024/2025
- Craig Halley
- George Whitecross
- Dave McKervail
To contact the allocations team, please email them at
(do not email individuals directly)
The allocation of Match Officials to matches uses the web-based platform ‘Whos the ref’ (WTR). It is necessary for users of WTR to be registered and requests for registration should be directed to the Allocation Team in the first instance.
The Allocation Team aims to appoint match officials two weeks in advance of scheduled fixtures. Match Officials and Club contacts are notified of the allocation at the same time, via email. All parties should bear in mind that their individual contact details are up to date on WTR.
Match Officials: Are requested to accept appointments as soon as possible and within 3 days of being notified at the latest. Should there be doubt as to whether a Match Official will be able to officiate it is recommended the appointment be declined sooner rather than later, allowing the Allocation Team to make alternative arrangements.
Club Officials: Are required to contact the appointed Match Officials as soon as practicable and in any event no later than 9pm two days prior to the game. It is recommended that you phone all appointed match officials, ensuring ‘positive contact’, confirming kick-off times, team colours, changing facilities and any local club matters they should be aware of.
Note: It is a club responsibility to contact match officials in advance to confirm their attendance, and to contact them again if there are any subsequent changes. This is particularly important if the game is postponed or cancelled – Failure to do so may result in no match official turning up on the day or the club incurring liability for the referees’ expenses!
Under 16’s and below: Referee Appointments are not made to youth matches. It is a club responsibility to ensure they have suitably qualified referees to officiate at Under 16’s rugby fixtures and below.
The expandable sections below provides more details of the principal responsibilities relevant to both Match Officials and Club Officials.
- Availability Calendar Up to Date
Please remember even if you haven’t been appointed to a game you may be called upon to cover at the last minute so if you decide to do something else, please make yourself unavailable.
- Accept Appointments Sooner Rather Than Later
Please don’t delay in accepting appointments – if in doubt better to decline and allow someone else to be appointed. Having declined an appointment please ensure your availability calendar is amended to reflect your availability status. Clubs are to confirm as soon as possible, and no later than 9pm two days prior to the game – if no contact please inform the Allocation Team.
- Confirm Referee Coach
Remember to confirm arrangements with the Referee Coach if one appointed. Please also provide feedback on all coaching reports submitted on your behalf.
- Input Scores to WTR Timely
Scores to be entered on WTR within 48 hours. N.B. The Match Official (MO) score is the one which takes precedence in any dispute. Please retain your score card in case there are any disputes.
- Complete Red & Yellow Card Reports
Red & Yellow card reports to be completed and submitted within 48 hours of the end of the match in question. Please note that a player red carded is banned from playing worldwide until the case is dealt with by the Discipline Panel, but the discipline process cannot commence until report submitted.
- Ensure Personal Details Up to Date
Especially contact details i.e., E-mail and Telephone
- Claim Expenses Monthly
The timeframe on WTR for claiming expenses is not indefinite, claiming monthly ensures you don’t lose out!
- Contact Details Accurate
Please ensure contact details, E-mail, and telephone, are accurate and up to date on WTR.
- Communication With Allocation Team
Clubs are required to appoint a single point of contact (SPOC) to act on their behalf regarding Allocations and liaise with the Allocation Team. Approaches from other individuals to the Allocation team will be referred to the SPOC.
- Confirm Appointments
Confirm appointment with Match Officials as soon as practicable and ensure ‘POSITIVE’ contact is made. Don’t trust to the fact an E-mail or text has been sent. Clubs are required to confirm by 9pm two days prior to the match – Ref’s phone numbers are on Who’s the Ref.
- Advise Changes Timely
In those instances where it is necessary to make changes following confirmation of an appointment e.g., postponement, cancellation, change of venue or K.O. clubs are to notify the Match Official and Allocation Team as soon as is practicable.
- Check Fixtures Accurate on WTR
It is a club responsibility to check WTR regularly to ensure fixtures have been input accurately and are required to advise the allocations teams of any errors and omissions. N.B. If the Allocation Team doesn’t know a club has a game, a referee cannot be appointed (if it’s not on WTR, there is no game and no Referee).
- Club Responsibility – Youth Matches
The responsibility rests with clubs to ensure they have suitably qualified referees to officiate at Under 16 and below.
- Club Responsibility – Touch Judges (TJ)
It is a club responsibility to provide TJs to assist the referee – one each from both Home and Away teams. The referee has the right to refuse to start the match until these are in place and for the duration of the match.